ClientPro Dashboard

The professional you need at the distance of a click


Access toDashboard

ClientPRO includes Dashboard which is a desktop version of the platform.

You will have web access to:

Desktop version

ClientPRO Dashboard is a desktop version of the app, so you can use the device that best suits you and your needs.

Virtual payment

ClientPRO includes a secure virtual payment system. You only need to add your bank account to receive the payments from your clients.

Online appointments

Online appointments through video calls are the solution to avoid unnecessary trips and safe your time. Contact with your clients when ever you need!

Add your clients

Make things more convenient for both you and your clients by inviting them to the app!

Appointment calendar

You will have an overview of all of your appointments in a simple calendar and you can easily manage them.

Video calls using your computer

Use Dashboard to make video calls in the desktop version


Manage your transactions and get detailed information

Dashboard will provide you with more detailed information about all your transactions.


Your Privacy
is our priority

All our video consultations are encrypted between the professional and the client, keeping the privacy of both parties always safe.

We use an external company that is responsible for monitoring that our data processing is safe and correct, so we have a double verification that our system is totally secure.